486,760 resultados para simSearch:400-05154461,k

  • 400-05154461

    Camara Cascudo on 50000 Cruzerios 1992 Banknote from Brazil. Anthropologist, folklorist, historian, lawyer, journalist and lexicographer.

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  • 400-05154454

    Augusto Ruschi on 500 Cruzados Novos 1990 Banknote from Brazil. Scientist, agronomist, naturalist, ecologist and lawyer. Brazilian patron of ecology.

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  • 400-06068326

    Eduardo Acevedo Vasquez (1857-1848) on 10 Pesos Uruguayos 1998 Banknote from Uruguay. Uruguayan lawyer, historian and politician.

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  • 400-05154547

    Oswaldo Cruz on 50000 Cruzerios 1985 Banknote from Brazil. Physician, epidemiologist, bacteriologist and public health officer.

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  • 400-05154530

    Manuel Belgrano on 10 Pesos 1976 Banknote from Argentina. Military leader, politician, economist and lawyer.

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  • 400-05154463

    Carlos Chagas on 10000 Cruzados 1989 Banknote from Brazil. Biologist, physician and scientist active in the field of neuroscience.

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  • 400-04862843

    Writer on 50 cruzados novos 1990 banknote from Brazil

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  • 400-06068334

    Francisco Jose de Caldas (1768-1816) on 20 Pesos Oro 1983 Banknote from Colombia. Colombian lawyer, naturalist and geographer who died a martyr during the Reconquista for being a precursor of the Independence of Colombia.

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  • 400-06068331

    Eugenio Espejo (1747-1795) on 500 Sucres 1988 Banknote from Ecuador. Medical pioneer, writer and lawyer of mestizo origin in colonial Ecuador.

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  • 400-06068314

    Benjamin Zeledon (1879-1912) on 5000 Gordobas 1985 Banknote from Nicaragua. Lawyer, politician and Nicaraguan military awarded the posthumous title of National Hero of Nicaragua.

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  • 400-05224774

    Mohammed Ali Jinnah (1876-1948) on 5 Rupees 1984 Banknote from Pakistan. Lawyer, politician, statesman and founder of Pakistan.

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  • 400-05224773

    Mohammed Ali Jinnah (1876-1948) on 20 Rupees 2007 Banknote from Pakistan. Lawyer, politician, statesman and founder of Pakistan.

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  • 400-05154540

    Miguel Larreynaga on 10 Cordobas 2002 Banknote from Nicaragua. Philosopher, poet, humanist, and lawyer.

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  • 400-05154465

    Cecilia Meireles on 100 Cruzerios 1989 Banknote from Brazil. Poet, journalist and teacher.

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  • 400-06645318

    Dardo Rocha (1838-1921) on 2 Pesos 2002 Banknote from Argentina. Argentine naval officer, lawyer and politician.

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  • 400-06068352

    Jose Celestino Mutis (1732-1808) on 200 Pesos Oro 1992 Banknote from Colombia. Spanish botanist and mathematician.

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  • 400-05154572

    Villa Lobos on 500 Cruzados 1987 Banknote from Brazil. Music composer refered as the single most significant creative figure in 20th century Brazilian art music.

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  • 400-05154553

    Princess Isabel on 50 Cruzerios 1963 Banknote from Brazil. Princess during the last decades of the reign of her father Pedro II and regent of Brazil three times while her father was away from the country.

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  • 400-05154550

    Pedro I on 5 Cruzerios 1980 Banknote from Brazil. Brazil's first emperor who proclaimed independence from Portugal.

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  • 400-05154537

    Marques de Tamandare on 1 Cruzerio 1958 Banknote from Brazil. Admiral of the Brazilian naval fleet of the war of the triple alliance during 1864-1870.

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  • 400-05154518

    Juscelino Kubitschek on 100 Cruzados 1987 Banknote from Brazil. President of Brazil during 1956-1961. He managed economic prosperity and political stability.

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  • 400-05154508

    Joaquim Machado on 1000 Cruzados 1988 Banknote from Brazil. Poet, novelist and short story writer.

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  • 400-05154484

    Duque de Caxias on 2 Cruzerios 1956 Banknote from Brazil. Military leader and statesman.

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  • 400-05154482

    Drummond de Andrade on 50 Cruzados Novos 1989 Banknote from Brazil. Most influential Brazilian poet of the 20th century.

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  • 400-05154472

    Deodoro da Fonseca on 500 Cruzerios 1981 Banknote from Brazil. First president of the republic of Brazil after heading a military coup that deposed emperor Pedro II.

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  • 400-05154464

    Carlos Gomes on 5000 Cruzerios 1993 Banknote from Brazil. One of the most distinguished 19th century classical composers.

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  • 400-05154462

    Candido Portinari on 5000 Cruzados 1988 Banknote from Brazil. One of Brazil's most important painters.

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  • 400-05154455

    Baron of Rio Branco on 5 Cruzerios 1962 Banknote from Brazil. Patron of Brazil's diplomacy.

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  • 400-05156210

    Princess Isabel on 200 Cruzerios 1984 Banknote from Brazil. Princess during the last decades of the reign of her father Pedro II and regent of Brazil three times while her father was away from the country.

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  • 400-05156200

    Duque de Caxias on 100 Cruzerios 1984 Banknote from Brazil. Military leader and statesman.

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  • 400-06645333

    Ilay Campbell (1734-1823) on 1 Pound 2001 Banknote from Scotland. Scottish advocate, judge and politician.

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  • 400-06644432

    Avram Iancu (1824-1872) on 5000 Lei 1993 Banknote from Romania. Transylvanian Romanian lawyer who played an important role in the local chapter of the Austrian Empire Revolutions during 1848ââ?¬â??1849.

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  • 400-06076735

    Nicolas Avellaneda (1837-1885) on 500 Australes 1988 Banknote from Argentina. Argentine politician, journalist and president of Argentina during 1874-1880.

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  • 400-06068341

    Grigore Antipa (1867-1944) on 200 Lei 1992 Banknote from Romania. Romanian Darwinist biologist who studied the fauna of the Danube Delta and the Black Sea.

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  • 400-05224735

    Alessandro Volta (1745-1827) on 10000 Lire 1984 Banknote from Italy. Italian physicist best known for the development of the first electric cell in 1800.

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  • 400-05224734

    Al Farabi (872-951) on 1 Tenge 1993 Banknote from Kazakhstan. Muslim polymath and one of the greatest scientists and philosophers of the Islamic world in his time. He was also a cosmologist, logician, musician, psychologist and sociologist.

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  • 400-05154559

    Roger Joseph Boscovich on 100 Dinar 1991 Banknote from Croatia. Physicist, mathematician, astronomer, philosopher, diplomat, poet, and Jesuit from Ragusa. Famous for his atomic theory, giving a clear precisely formulated system utilizing principles of Newtonian mechanics.

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  • 400-05154541

    Mihai Eminescu on 1000 Lei 1998 Banknote from Romania. Romantic poet, novelist and journalist, regarded as the most famous Romanian poet.

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  • 400-05154538

    Michael Pupin on 50000000 Dinara 1993 Banknote from Yugoslavia. Serbian physicist and physical chemist. Best known for his numerous patents, including a means of greatly extending the range of long distance telephone communication by placing loading coils of wire at pre-determined intervals along the transmitting wire.

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  • 400-05154522

    Karl Ernst von Baer on 2 Krooni 1992 Banknote from Estonia. Baltic German biologist pioneer in embryology.

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  • 400-05154493

    Garcia de Orta on 20 Escudos 1971 Banknote from Portugal. Physician, naturalist and pioneer of tropical medicine.

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  • 400-05154485

    "El Inca" Garcilaso de la Vega on 10 Soles De Oro 1974 Banknote from Peru. Historian and writer recognized for his contributions to Inca history, culture and society.

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  • 400-05154467

    Chaim Azriel Weizmann on 5 Sheqalim 1978 Banknote from Israel. President of the world zionist organization, and the first President of the state of Israel. He was also a chemist and developed a new process of producing acetone through bacterial fermentation.

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  • 400-05155111

    Indian Male on 5 Cruzeiros 1961 Banknote from Brazil

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  • 400-06645343

    Jose Paranhos, Baron of Rio Branco (1845-1912) on 1000 Cruzeiros 1981 Banknote from Brazil. Brazilian diplomat, geographer, historian, monarchist, politician and professor. The father of Brazilian diplomacy.

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  • 400-06644479

    Candido Rondon (1865-1958) on 1000 Cruzeiros 1990 Banknote from Brazil. Brazilian military officer best known for his exploration of Mato Grosso and the Western Amazon Basin. Also for his lifelong support of Brazilian indigenous populations.

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  • 400-06076762

    Viktor Hambardzumyan (1908-1996) on 100 Dram 1998 Banknote from Armenia. Soviet Armenian scientist and one of the founders of theoretical astrophysics.

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  • 400-06076738

    Nikola Tesla (1856-1943) on 5 Novih Dinara 1994 Banknote From Yugoslavia. Best known as the Father of Physics.

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  • 400-06076737

    Nikola Tesla on 100 Dinara 2006 Banknote from Serbia. Best known as the Father of Physics.

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  • 400-06076723

    Julio Argentino Roca (1843-1914) on 1000 Australes 1988 Banknote from Argentina. Army general who served as President of Argentina.

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  • 400-06068345

    Ignacio Carrera Pinto (1848-1882) on 1000 Pesos 2007 Banknote from Chile. Chilean hero of the War of the Pacific.

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  • 400-06068315

    Bernardo O'Higgins (1778-1842) on Half Escudo 1962 Banknote from Chile. Chilean independence leader who together with Jose de San Martin freed Chile from Spanish rule.

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  • 400-06068312

    Arturo Prat (1848-1879) on 1 Escudo 1962 Banknote from Chile. Chilean navy officer.

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  • 400-05224762

    Jose Gervasio Artigas (1764-1850) on 5 Nuevos Pesos 1975 Banknote from Uruguay. National hero of Uruguay.

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  • 400-05224760

    Jorge Eliecer Gaitan (1903-1948) on 1000 Pesos 2006 Banknote from Colombia. Politician and leader of a populist movement in Colombia.

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  • 400-05224755

    Gabriela Mistral (1889-1957) on 5000 Pesos 2009 Banknote from Chile. Chilean poet, educator, diplomat and feminist who was the first Latin American to win the Nobel Prize in Literature, in 1945.

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  • 400-05224739

    Antonio Jose De Sucre (1795-1830) on 5 Sucres 1988 Banknote from Ecuador. Venezuelan independence leader and one of Simon Bolivar's closest friends, generals and statesmen.

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  • 400-05224737

    Andres Bello (1781-1865) on 50 Bolivares 1995 Banknote from Venezuela. Venezuelan humanist, philosopher, educator, poet, lawmaker and philologist, whose political and literary works constitute an important part of Spanish American culture.

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  • 400-05154571

    Tupac Amaru II on 500 Intis 1987 Banknote from Peru. Leader of the indigenous uprising in 1780 against the Spanish occupation.

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  • 400-05154564

    Simon Bolivar on 1000 Bolivares 1998 Banknote from Venezuela. One of the most important leaders of Spanish America's successful struggle for independence.

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  • 400-05154561

    Santiago Derqui on 10 Austral 1985 Banknote from Argentina. President of Argentina during 1860-1861.

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  • 400-05154558

    Ricardo Palma on 10 Intis 1986 Banknote from Peru. Peruvian author, scholar and librarian

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  • 400-05154556

    Ramon Castilla on 100 Intis 1987 Banknote from Peru. Caudillo and four time president.

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  • 400-05154552

    Policarpa Salavarrieta on 2 Pesos 1977 Banknote from Colombia. Colombian seamstress that spied for the revolutionary forces during a period when Spain tried to regain control of its colonies in South America. She was captured by the Spanish and executed.

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  • 400-05154546

    Nicolas de Pierola on 50 Intis 1987 Banknote from Peru. Peruvian finance minister and twice president of the republic.

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  • 400-05154545

    Nicolae Iorga on 1 Leu 2005 Banknote from Romania. Historian, poet, playwright, memorialist, university professor, and politician.

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  • 400-05154544

    Nicola Tesla on 100 dinars 1994 banknote from Yugoslavia. Best known as the Father of Physics.

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  • 400-05154536

    Mariscal Jose F. Estigarribia on 50 Guarani 1963 Banknote from Paraguay.

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  • 400-05154535

    Mariscal Francisco Solano Lopez on 1000 Guarani 2005 Banknote from Paraguay

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  • 400-05154534

    Mariscal Andres Avelino Caceres on 1000 Intis 1988 Banknote from Peru. National hero for leading the resistance against the Chilean occupation during the war of the pacific (1879-1883) and twice president.

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  • 400-05154517

    Juana Azurduy De Padilla on 1000 Pesos Bolivianos 1982 Banknote from Bolivia. Revolutionary and guerrilla leader during the South American war of independence at early 19th century.

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  • 400-05154511

    Jose de San Martin on 5 Pesos 2003 Banknote from Argentina. General and prime leader of the south part of South America's successful struggle for independence against Spain.

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  • 400-05154505

    Inca Pachacutec on 10 Soles De Oro 1974 Banknote from Peru. 9th ninth sapa Inca (1438-1472) of the Kingdom of Cusco who began an era of conquest that, within three generations expanded the Inca domination to nearly all of civilized South America.

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  • 400-05154498

    General Jose Edubigis Diaz on 100 Guarani 1982 Banknote from Paraguay

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  • 400-05154497

    General Eugenio A. Garay on 10 Guarani 1963 Banknote from Paraguay.

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  • 400-05154496

    General Bernadino Caballero on 500 Guarani 1982 Banknote from Paraguay. President of Paraguay during 1881-1886.

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  • 400-05154494

    General Antonio Narino on 100 Pesos 1991 Banknote from Colombia. He was one of the early political and military leaders of the independence movement in Colombia.

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  • 400-05154487

    Francisco Bolognesi on 5000 Soles de Oro 1985 Banknote from Peru. Peruvian military hero.

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  • 400-05154480

    Dr. Jose Gaspar Rodriguez de Francia on 10000 Guaranies 2004 Banknote from Paraguay. First leader of Paraguay after its independence from Spain.

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  • 400-05154475

    Domingo Sarmiento on 100 Austral 1985 Banknote from Argentina. Activist, intellectual, writer and the 7th president of Argentina.

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  • 400-05154466

    Cesar Vallejo on 10000 Indis 1988 Banknote from Peru. Famous Peruvian poet.

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  • 400-05154459

    Bernardino Rivadavia on 1 Austral 1985 Banknote from Argentina. First president of Argentina during 1826-1827.

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  • 400-05154456

    Bartolome Mitre on 2 Pesos 1997 Banknote from Argentina. Statesman, author, military figure and president during 1862-1868.

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  • 400-05154453

    Jose Gervasio Artigas Arnal on 50 Nuevos Pesos 1988 Banknote from Uruguay. National hero also known as the father of Uruguayan independence.

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  • 400-05154449

    Admiral Miguel Grau on 5000 Indis 1988 Banknote from Peru. Naval officer and hero of the battle of Angamos in the war of the pacific during 1879-1884. One of the most famous military leaders of America.

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  • 400-05156211

    Tupac Amaru II on 50 Soles de Oro 1977 Banknote from Peru. Leader of the indigenous uprising in 1780 against the Spanish occupation.

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  • 400-05156207

    Jose de San Martin on 50 Pesos 1976 Banknote from Argentina. General and prime leader of the south part of South America's successful struggle for independence against Spain.

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  • 400-05156198

    Bartolome Mitre on 50 Australes 1986 Banknote from Argentina. Author, statesman, military figure and president of Argentina during 1862-1868.

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  • 400-05332285

    Joaquin Torres Garcia (1874-1949) on 5 Pesos Uruguayos 1998 Banknote from Uruguay. Uruguayan plastic artist, art theorist and founder of Constructive Universalism.

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  • 400-04862828

    Nicolaus Copernicus on 1000 zlotych 1982 banknote from Poland. First astronomer to formulate a scientifically-based heliocentric cosmology that displaced the Earth from the center of the universe.

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