295,910 images for simSearch:862-08090739,k

  • 862-08090739

    Africa, Kenya, Narok County, Masai Mara National Reserve. A herd of Thomson's gazelle.


  • 862-07496153

    Kenya, Masai Mara, Narok County. A female cheetah with her four five month old cubs feeding on a male Thomson's Gazelle.


  • 862-08090766

    Africa, Kenya, Narok County, Masai Mara National Reserve. A herd of Wildebeest grazing in the early morning light


  • 862-07690346

    Kenya, Masai Mara, Narok County. Wildebeest graze the grassy plains of Masai Mara National Reserve as a rainbow in a threatening sky heralds an approaching rainstorm.


  • 862-07690345

    Kenya, Masai Mara, Narok County. Wildebeest graze the grassy plains of Masai Mara National Reserve under a threatening sky, which heralds an approaching rainstorm.


  • 862-07496209

    Kenya, Masai Mara, Musiara Marsh, Narok County. Herd of female impala with at dawn.


  • 862-07496208

    Kenya, Masai Mara, Musiara Marsh, Narok County. A herd of female Impalas accompanied by a territorial male at dawn.


  • 862-07496207

    Kenya, Masai Mara, Musiara Marsh, Narok County. Herd of female impala with territorial male in attendance alert to danger at dawn.


  • 862-07496206

    Kenya, Masai Mara, Musiara Marsh, Narok County. A herd of female Impalas accompanied by a territorial male cluster around a termite mound at dawn, alert to danger from predators.


  • 862-07496205

    Kenya, Masai Mara, Musiara Marsh, Narok County. A herd of female Impalas cluster around a termite mound at dawn alert to danger from predators.


  • 862-07496142

    Kenya, Masai Mara, Narok County. A male cheetah catching a wildebeest calf using its sharp dew claw to help pull it to a halt.


  • 862-07496140

    Kenya, Masai Mara, Narok County. One of a coalition of three male cheetahs hunting wildebeest during the dry season. The male has snagged the wildebeest calf using its razor sharp dew claw heloing to anchor it and to pull it to a halt.


  • 862-07496133

    Kenya, Masai Mara, Musiara Marsh, Narok County. A herd of elephants walking towards the marsh having fed during the night on higher ground. Large bull in the foreground.


  • 862-07496118

    Kenya, Masai Mara, Narok County. A young adult male lion of nearly four years of age chasing a Thomson's Gazelle fawn that it came across on the open grasslands.


  • 862-07496104

    Kenya, Masai Mara, Narok County. Young elephants playing at a mud wallow.


  • 862-07496086

    Kenya, Masai Mara, Narok County. A herd of male and female Masai Giraffe making their way across the plains.


  • 862-07496085

    Kenya, Masai Mara, Narok County. Herd of Masai Giraffe making their way across the Mara plains. The males in the herd were interested in the breeding status of the females.


  • 862-08090751

    Africa, Kenya, Narok County, Masai Mara National Reserve. A safari vehicle watching an elephant herd.


  • 862-08090750

    Africa, Kenya, Narok County, Masai Mara National Reserve. Elephant herd on the move.


  • 862-07690347

    Kenya, Masai Mara, Narok County. Large columns of Wildebeest wind across the grassy plains of Masai Mara National Reserve during their annual migration.


  • 862-07496222

    Kenya, Masai Mara, Narok County. A pride male pauses to drink on his way to cover after feeding on a kill.


  • 862-07496221

    Kenya, Masai Mara, Narok County. A pride male after a heavy rain storm.


  • 862-07496220

    Kenya, Masai Mara, Bila Shaka Lugga, Narok County. Pride of lions huddling together to shelter from the rain at the beginning of the Long Rains. The lioness on the right is alert to wildebeest and zebra grazing on the plains.


  • 862-07496219

    Kenya, Masai Mara, Narok County. Two male lions alert to the movements of female members of their pride. Late evening in the rain.


  • 862-07496218

    Kenya, Masai Mara, Narok County. Two pride males watching the lionesses in their pride setting off to hunt after a heavy rain storm.


  • 862-07496217

    Kenya, Masai Mara, Narok County. Two pride males watching the lionesses in their pride setting off to hunt after a heavy rain storm.


  • 862-07496211

    Kenya, Masai Mara, Musiara Marsh, Narok County. A herd of old male buffalos feeding on the dew-laden grass at dawn.


  • 862-07496210

    Kenya, Masai Mara, Musiara Marsh, Narok County. A herd of old male buffalos with Cattle Egrets in attendance at dawn.


  • 862-07496202

    Kenya, Masai Mara, Narok County. A lioness carrying one of her three 10 week old cubs to a new hiding place along an intermittent water course.


  • 862-07496197

    Kenya, Masai Mara, Narok County. A pride male challenging a young lioness who was being forced to leave the pride, while her older relatives look on. There were too many adult lionesses already.


  • 862-07496196

    Kenya, Masai Mara, Narok County. A male hippo threatening a cow who was accompanied by a younger bull.


  • 862-07496195

    Kenya, Masai Mara, Narok County. A male lion defending a buffalo kill from vultures at dawn.


  • 862-07496194

    Kenya, Masai Mara, Narok County. A male lion feeding on a buffalo carcass.


  • 862-07496193

    Kenya, Masai Mara, Narok County. A male lion keeps a careful eye on vulutures at a buffalo kill he is feeding on.


  • 862-07496192

    Kenya, Masai Mara, Narok County. A male lion guarding a lioness who is coming in to season so he can mate with her and prevent other males from approaching. Dawn with red oat grass.


  • 862-07496191

    Kenya, Masai Mara, Narok County. A female cheetah resting among the red oat grass at dusk . She is searching for prey before it gets too dark to hunt.


  • 862-07496190

    Kenya, Masai Mara, Narok County. A female cheetah alert among the red oat grass at dusk . She is searching for prey before it gets too dark to hunt.


  • 862-07496178

    Kenya, Masai Mara, Narok County. A group of lions lying on a termite mound watching cautiously as lions from another pride feed on a kill.


  • 862-07496177

    Kenya, Masai Mara, Musiara Marsh, Narok County. A lioness roaring early in the morning.


  • 862-07496176

    Kenya, Masai Mara, Narok County. A young lioness licking her lips after feeding on a kill.


  • 862-07496175

    Kenya, Masai Mara, Narok County. Two lionesses on a termite mound watching cautiously as lions from another pride feed on a kill.


  • 862-07496172

    Kenya, Masai Mara, Narok County. A four year old male lion watching other members of his pride at dawn.


  • 862-07496171

    Kenya, Masai Mara, North Mara Conservancy, Narok County. 2 three month old lion cubs at the den where their mother has left them to go off and hunt.


  • 862-07496169

    Kenya, Masai Mara, Mara North Conservancy, Narok County. An eight week old lion cub about to suckle from its mother.


  • 862-07496168

    Kenya, Masai Mara, Narok County. Coke's Hartebeests at dusk during the rainy season.


  • 862-07496167

    Kenya, Masai Mara, Narok County. Male Impala alert at dawn during the dry season.


  • 862-07496166

    Kenya, Masai Mara, Leopard Gorge, North Mara Conservancy, Narok County. Bush Hyrax colony huddling together for warmth in the early morning.


  • 862-07496164

    Kenya, Masai Mara, Narok County. Boscia tree and wildebeest at dawn during the annual migration. Dry season.


  • 862-07496163

    Kenya, Masai Mara, Narok County. Elephants on the move at dawn.


  • 862-07496162

    Kenya, Masai Mara, Narok County. Male Impala alert at dawn during the dry season.


  • 862-07496161

    Kenya, Masai Mara, Narok County. Masai Giraffes moving across the Mara plains late in the evening in the dry season.


  • 862-07496158

    Kenya, Masai Mara, Narok County. Lions mating. There is often a brief and violent spat as the male dismounts.


  • 862-07496152

    Kenya, Masai Mara, Narok County. Male lion sniffing scent of a lioness in his pride. He is grimacing with a typical flehmen face drawing the scent in to his nose and mouth to check on the sexual status of the lioness.


  • 862-07496151

    Kenya, Masai Mara, Narok County. A dark maned pride male sitting alert in long red oat grass early in the morning.


  • 862-07496150

    Kenya, Masai Mara, Narok County. Two adult male lions patrolling their territory.


  • 862-07496149

    Kenya, Masai Mara, Narok County. Three male lions patrolliing their territory early in the morning.


  • 862-07496148

    Kenya, Masai Mara, Narok County. Two male lions alert to the movements of female members of their pride. They are patrolling their territory and stopping from time to time to scent mark to signify ownership.


  • 862-07496147

    Kenya, Masai Mara, Narok County. Three adult male lions out patrolling their territory stopping to roll in the dung left by a buffalo.


  • 862-07496146

    Kenya, Masai Mara, Narok County. Three adult male lions investigating a buffalo dropping which one of them had rolled in.


  • 862-07496145

    Kenya, Masai Mara, Narok County. Three male lions greeting and investigating scent. One of the males had found a buffalo dropping and rolled in it.


  • 862-07496143

    Kenya, Masai Mara, Narok County. Lionesses alert to prey.


  • 862-07496141

    Kenya, Masai Mara, Narok County. Male impala alert on a termite mound at dawn.


  • 862-07496138

    Kenya, Masai Mara, Narok County. A female cheetah strangling an adult female impala. This is the typical killing bits used by big cats, pinning their prey to the ground and strangling or suffocating it.


  • 862-07496129

    Kenya, Masai Mara, Narok County. Spotted hyenas investigating scent from anal glands left by other hyenas on dry grass stems.


  • 862-07496128

    Kenya, Masai Mara, Narok County. Spotted Hyenas investigating scent left by other hyenas on long grass stems.


  • 862-07496127

    Kenya, Masai Mara, Narok County. Spotted Hyenas eagerly examining scent depositied on long grass stems by other members of their clan or by rival clan members at a common territorial boundary.


  • 862-07496126

    Kenya, Masai Mara, Narok County. A female cheetah with her 6 three month old male cub resting on a termite mound at dawn.


  • 862-07496124

    Kenya, Masai Mara, Musiara Marsh, Narok County. A lioness turns to watch her pride mates moving off to hunt.


  • 862-07496123

    Kenya, Masai Mara, Musiara Marsh, Narok County. Lioness playfighting with one of her cubs in the marsh.


  • 862-07496122

    Kenya, Masai Mara, Narok County. A young male lion of two to three years of age.


  • 862-07496121

    Kenya, Masai Mara, Narok County. A young adult male lion charging. He was trying to intimidate a young lioness who he was courting. Males also charge like this when chasing vultures or hyenas from a kill.


  • 862-07496119

    Kenya, Masai Mara, Narok County. Young lioness being chased by one of two nomadic males intent on breeding with her and staking a claim to the territory.


  • 862-07496112

    Kenya, Masai Mara, Musiara Marsh, Narok County. A lioness jumps across a water filled drainage ditch in a marsh as her cubs and other members of the pride hesitate.


  • 862-07496111

    Kenya, Masai Mara, Musiara Marsh, Narok County. A male lion alert as he watches lionesses from his pride on the move. He is standing tall to show his size and power.


  • 862-07496110

    Kenya, Masai Mara, Narok County. Thunder storm over the Mara plains with wildebeest feeding. Late dry season in early October.


  • 862-07496108

    Kenya, Masai Mara, Narok County. A bull elephant feeding on the ripe fruits of a fig tree.


  • 862-07496107

    Kenya, Masai Mara, Narok County. Bull elephant feeding on ripe figs at dawn.


  • 862-07496103

    Kenya, Masai Mara, Narok County. Male Coke's Hartebeest alert at dusk.


  • 862-07496102

    Kenya, Masai Mara, Narok County. Lioness alert to possible prey.


  • 862-07496101

    Kenya, Masai Mara, Narok County. A black maned pride male on patrol in long red oat grass early in the morning.


  • 862-07496099

    Kenya, Masai Mara, Narok County. A lioness alert in long red oat grass while being greeted by a five month old cub.


  • 862-07496098

    Kenya, Masai Mara, Narok County. Lioness watchful on a termite mound while resting with the pride.


  • 862-07496097

    Kenya, Masai Mara, Narok County. Three lionesses starkly silhouetted against a brooding sky in the late evening during the rainy season.


  • 862-07496096

    Kenya, Masai Mara, Narok County. Two lionesses starkly silhouetted against a brooding sky in the late evening during the rainy season.


  • 862-07496095

    Kenya, Masai Mara, Narok County. A lioness alert in long red oat grass watching other members of her pride hunting.


  • 862-07496093

    Kenya, Masai Mara, Narok County. A female cheetah strangling a Thomson's gazelle fawn accompanied by her three large cubs.


  • 862-07496092

    Kenya, Masai Mara, Narok County. A young Olive Baboon watchful at the forest edge.


  • 862-07496091

    Kenya, Masai Mara, Narok County. A young Olive Baboon feeding on vegetation.


  • 862-07496083

    Kenya, Masai Mara, Narok County. Bull elephant feeding on lush green grass.


  • 862-07496082

    Kenya, Masai Mara, Musiara Marsh, Narok County. A pride of lions with large cubs of a year or more old lying up on a termite mound early in the morning.
