594 immagini per appartenente ad una tribù

  • 862-03821042

    Long horned Ankole cattle are prized among the people of southwest Uganda and Rwanda.The Bayarwanda speaking people living close to the Rwanda border use an unusual bell-shaped wooden pot, called ekyanzi, for storing fresh milk.


  • 700-09088066

    Group portrait of indigenous tribal dancers wearing colorful traditional costumes at the St Michael Archangel Festival parade in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico


  • 841-08568941

    Maasai, Kenya, East Africa, Africa


  • 862-03821000

    A Hadza hunter wearing a baboon skin returns to camp with a haunch of impala over his shoulder. He killed the antelope with a metal tipped arrow that had been dipped in a fast acting vegetable poison extracted from the desert rose.


  • 700-09088092

    Indigenous tribal dancer wearing a deer head on his headdress and a musician playing the flute in the background in the St Michael Archangel Festival parade in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico


  • 841-08645435

    The Two Josephs, Maasai warriors, Zanzibar Island, Tanzania, East Africa, Africa


  • 700-02694015

    Portrait of Himba Girl, Opuwo, Namibia


  • 700-02694001

    Portrait of Himba Girl, Opuwo, Namibia


  • 862-03821021

    A Datoga young man in traditional attire.His braids are embellished with beads and aluminium can openers.Many of his white plastic bracelets are beautifully decorated with abstract and geometrical designs; long ago these bracelets would have been made of ivory.


  • 700-09088074

    Close-up of a boy, indigenous tribal dancer wearing feathered headdress and mask in the St Michael Archangel Festival parade in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico


  • 700-02694004

    Portrait of Himba Woman, Opuwo, Namibia


  • 700-02694007

    Portrait of Himba Woman, Opuwo, Namibia


  • 700-09088072

    Close-up of male, indigenous tribal dancer wearing large, feathered headddress in the St Michael Archangel Festival parade in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico


  • 700-07067370

    Portrait of Himba boy, Kaokoveld, Namibia, Africa


  • 862-03820364

    A Mursi woman wearing a large wooden lip plate. Shortly before marriage, a girls lower lip will be pierced and progressively stretched over a year or so. The size of the lip plate often determines the quantum of the bride price. They live in a remote area of southwest Ethiopia along the Omo River.


  • 700-07067377

    Himba woman milking a cow, Kaokoveld, Namibia, Africa , Namibia, Africa


  • 700-09088082

    Close-up portrait of a male, indigenous tribal dancer wearing a headdress with a wolf head in the St Michael Archangel Festival parade in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico


  • 862-03820436

    A Karo women stands in the doorway to her hut in the village of Duss. A small Omotic tribe related to the Hamar, who live along the banks of the Omo River in southwestern Ethiopia, the Karo are renowned for their elaborate body painting using white chalk, crushed rock and other natural pigments. In addition to painting her face she has decorated her body with whorls of goat hair tied by leather co


  • 841-06448196

    Colourfully dressed and face painted local tribes celebrating the traditional Sing Sing in Enga in the Highlands, Papua New Guinea, Melanesia, Pacific


  • 862-03821003

    A Datoga woman relaxes outside her thatched house.The traditional attire of Datoga women includes beautifully tanned and decorated leather dresses and coiled brass armulets and necklaces. Extensive scarification of the face with raised circular patterns is not uncommon among women and girls.


  • 700-08169180

    Boy holding toy car, home-made from oil can, near Gaoua, Poni Province, Burina Faso


  • 862-03820348

    An old Dassanech woman prepares her fields beside the Omo River with a digging stick in readiness to plant sorghum. This crude form of agricultural implement is in common use in this remote part of Ethiopia.


  • 841-06448197

    Mudman tribe celebrates the traditional Sing Sing in the Highlands, Papua New Guinea, Pacific


  • 862-03820359

    Karo men excel in body art. Before a dance, they will decorate their faces and torsos elaborately using local white chalk, pulverised rock and other natural pigments. While older men style their hair with clay, young men prefer to braid theirs.Every man carries a wooden stool, which doubles as a pillow at night.The Karo are a small tribe living in three main villages along the lower reaches of the


  • 841-09077278

    Wangchah Wangsa, Naga headhunter, with tattooed face and tribal necklace, and chest tattoo marking him as having taken heads, Nagaland, India, Asia


  • 841-09077277

    Wangchah Wangsa, Naga headhunter, with tattooed face and Naga tribal necklace, holding hunting spear, Longwa village, Nagaland, India, Asia


  • 841-09055224

    Naga tribesmen participating at the Stone pulling ceremony during Kisima Nagaland Hornbill festival, Kohima, Nagaland, India, Asia


  • 841-06448210

    Colourfully dressed and face painted local tribes celebrating the traditional Sing Sing in the Highlands, Papua New Guinea, Pacific


  • 841-09055228

    Stone pulling ceremony during Kisima Nagaland Hornbill festival, Kohima, Nagaland, India, Asia


  • 841-09055223

    Naga tribesmen participating at the Stone pulling ceremony during Kisima Nagaland Hornbill festival, Kohima, Nagaland, India, Asia


  • 862-03820347

    A young Daasanech girl beside the Omo River. Her hairstyle, necklaces and metal armbands are typical of her tribe.The Dassanech people live in the Omo Delta of southwest Ethiopia, one of the largest inland deltas in the world.


  • 700-09088069

    Close-up portrait of male, indigenous tribal dancer with face painted red and wearing skull mask at the St Michael Archangel Festival parade in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico


  • 841-03505102

    Portrait of a Karo tribeswoman, Lower Omo Valley, Ethiopia, Africa


  • 841-06031736

    Bonda tribeswomen wearing traditional beaded caps and metal necklaces, selling village-made alcohol at weekly market, Rayagader, Orissa, India, Asia


  • 862-03366144

    During an eunoto ceremony when Maasai warriors become junior elders,their heads are shaved and they daub themselves with white clay.


  • 862-03820346

    A Dassanech man stands on one leg in typical pose while looking after his familys cattle in the Omo Delta, one of the largest inland deltas in the world. The extensive scarification on his chest and shoulders denotes that he has killed an enemy.They practice animal husbandry and fishing as well as agriculture.


  • 862-03354029

    An elder of the Karo tribe,a small Omotic tribe related to the Hamar,who live along the banks of the Omo River in southwestern Ethiopia. The Karo are renowned for their elaborate body painting using white chalk,crushed rock and other natural pigments. This man also has a clay hairdo typical of tribal elders.


  • 862-03820404

    Warriors of the nomadic Afar tribe wear their hair long and carry large curved daggers, known as jile, strapped to their waists.Proud and fiercely independent, they live in the low lying deserts of Eastern Ethiopia.Modern rifles have now replaced daggers as weapons although most young men still wear ornate daggers by tradition.


  • 862-03366616

    A Samburu warrior gazes at the eastern scarp of Africa's Great Rift Valley at Losiolo,north of Maralal. From 8,000 feet the land tumbles away 3,000 feet into rugged country,the domain of nomadic pastoralists,before rising again 75 miles away. The views at Losiolo are the most spectacular in Kenya of the largest,longest and most conspicuous physical feature of its kind on earth.


  • 841-06031749

    Bonda tribeswomen wearing traditional beaded caps and metal necklaces, selling beads to tourists at weekly market, Rayagader, Orissa, India, Asia


  • 841-06031748

    Bonda tribeswomen wearing traditional beaded caps and metal necklaces, with baskets on their heads at weekly market, Rayagader, Orissa, India, Asia


  • 841-09055221

    Naga tribesmen participating at the Stone pulling ceremony during Kisima Nagaland Hornbill festival, Kohima, Nagaland, India, Asia


  • 862-03366016

    A Samburu warrior looks out across the eastern scarp of Africa's Great Rift Valley at Poro,Northern Kenya where the land drop precipitously 3,000 feet.


  • 630-06724099

    People with different occupations

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  • 841-03673565

    Samburu tribesmen performing traditional dance, Loisaba Wilderness Conservancy, Laikipia, Kenya, East Africa, Africa


  • 862-03366241

    Two Maasai warriors watch a hot air balloon flight over Masai Mara.


  • 862-03355162

    Maasai pastoralists water their livestock at the seasonal Sanjan River,which rises in the Gol Mountains of northern Tanzania.


  • 862-03366489

    Kenya,Chalbi Desert,Kalacha. A Gabbra herdsman presents a lonely figure standing under a flat-topped acacia tree on the edge of the Chalbi Desert at sunset. The Gabbra are a Cushitic tribe of nomadic pastoralists living with their herds of camels and goats around the fringe of the Chalbi Desert.


  • 841-06448220

    Face and body painted local tribes celebrating the traditional Sing Sing in Paya, Papua New Guinea, Melanesia, Pacific


  • 841-06448207

    Colourfully dressed and face painted local tribes celebrating the traditional Sing Sing in the Highlands, Papua New Guinea, Pacific


  • 841-06448219

    Mudman tribe celebrating the traditional Sing Sing in Paya in the Highlands, Papua New Guinea, Melanesia, Pacific


  • 862-03366294

    An attractive young girl from the nomadic Gabbra tribe.


  • 862-03366081

    The Turkana spear-fish in the shallow waters of Lake Turkana. The wooden shaft has a detachable metal tip with a sharp barb,which is secured to the end of a long piece of rope. Here,a fisherman waits motionlessly at the ready while standing on a raft made from four or five doum palm logs lashed together.


  • 862-03365966

    A family game-viewing from a landrover during a Cheli & Peacock mobile safari.


  • 841-06448206

    Colourfully dressed and face painted child of a local tribe celebrating the traditional Sing Sing in the Highlands, Papua New Guinea, Pacific


  • 841-06448198

    Colourfully dressed and face painted local tribes celebrating the traditional Sing Sing in the Highlands, Papua New Guinea, Pacific


  • 862-03437402

    A young Maasai herdsboy controls his family's cattle at the Sanjan River to prevent too many animals watering at the same time.


  • 862-03366064

    The adornments of Samburu warriors change from generation to generation. In the 1990's cheap plastic flowers from China became fashionable to decorate their Ochred braids. This warrior has had his hair styled in the 'sunshade' look by having his braids at the front combed forward.


  • 862-03366027

    In the early morning,a young Samburu girl takes a kid to its mother. She will then milk the nanny goat leaving half the milk for the kid. Only women and children milk goats although every member of the family will drink the milk.


  • 862-03366146

    Kenya,Kajiado,lpartimaro. Two Maasai warriors in full regalia. The headress of the man on the left is made from the mane of a lion while the one on the right is fringed with black ostrich feathers. Their traditional weaponry includes long-bladed spears and shields are made of buffalo hide.


  • 862-03820650

    Samburu girls are given strings of beads by their fathers when they are still young. As soon as they are old enough to have lovers from the warrior age set, they regularly receive gifts from them.Over a period of years, their necklaces can smother them up to their necks.


  • 841-08821542

    Traditionally dressed man from a Bamboo band, Buka, Bougainville, Papua New Guinea, Pacific


  • 862-03366154

    A Maasai warrior,his face and body decorated with red ochre and clay,wears an ostrich feather headdress. This singular adornment was once worn by warriors going into battle and was likely designed to frighten an enemy.


  • 841-06448194

    Colourfully dressed and face painted local tribes celebrating the traditional Sing Sing in the Highlands, Papua New Guinea, Pacific


  • 862-03366077

    As the sun rises over Lake Turkana,a group of fishermen set out with their traditional fishing baskets to catch talapia in the lake's shallow waters. These traditional methods of fishing are now rare because the introduction of small mesh gillnets has resulted in a marked decline of fish stocks close to the shore.


  • 862-03355161

    Maasai men,spears in hand,drive their laden donkeys across pristine volcanic grassland at the southern end of Lake Natron. Donkeys carry loads in leather panniers strapped loosely to their flanks


  • 862-03366113

    A young Turkana girl adorned with necklaces of a style the Southern Turkana prefer to wear.


  • 862-03366304

    A Maasai Warrior watches a hot air balloon float over the Mara plains.


  • 862-03366017

    On a clear morning,a Samburu warrior looks out over miles of unspoilt semi-arid country to Mount Kenya,70 miles distant as the crow flies.


  • 700-07067368

    Close-up of feet and legs of Himba woman, Kaokoveld, Namibia, Africa


  • 862-03366098

    A Turkana woman makes the final ties to the dome-shaped framework of her home. In wet weather,hides will be laid on top and secured with leather thongs.


  • 841-03673550

    Masai guide, Masai Mara, Kenya, East Africa, Africa


  • 862-03366024

    A young Samburu herdsman drives goats towards a Waterhole along the Milgis - a wide,sandy seasonal watercourse which is a lifeline for pastoralists in the low-lying semi-arid region of their district. The hair style of the young man denotes his status as an uncircumcised youth.


  • 862-03361163

    Zulu warrior in traditional dress with fighting spear


  • 862-03366188

    A Giriama girl from Kenya's Coast Province carrying a gourd full of water on her head. Her small skirt is made from strips of printed cotton material.


  • 862-03354085

    A young Dassanech boy silhouetted against the evening sky at his settlement alongside the Omo River. Much the largest of the tribes in the Omo Valley numbering around 50,000,the Dassanech (also known as the Galeb,Changila or Merille) are Nilotic pastoralists and agriculturalists.


  • 862-03354093

    An elder of the Karo tribe sits with his wife and child. A small Omotic tribe related to the Hamar,who live along the banks of the Omo River in southwestern Ethiopia,the Karo are renowned for their elaborate body painting using white chalk,crushed rock and other natural pigments. This man also has a clay hairdo typical of tribal elders. Like most adult males he carries a rifle.


  • 841-03505103

    Portrait of a Karo tribesman with facial decoration in chalk imitating the spotted plumage of the guinea fowl, Lower Omo Valley, Ethiopia, Africa


  • 862-03366059

    A Samburu woman resplendent in her beaded necklaces and numerous bracelets makes best use of a large rainwater pond to wash herself. Water is scarce in much of Samburuland.


  • 862-03355141

    A Maasai girl in traditional attire. The predominant white colour of her beadwork and the circular scar on her cheek denote that she is from the Kisongo section of the Maasai,the largest clan group,which lives either side of the border in Kenya and Tanzania.


  • 862-03820573

    An Ethiopian man wears a headdress made from the skin of a gelada, a unique baboon like primate that lives at high altitudes in northern Ethiopia, and a cloak embroidered with Ethiopias imperial lion.


  • 862-03355148

    Maasai livestock watering at the seasonal Sanjan River,which rises in the Gol Mountains of northern Tanzania.


  • 862-03366676

    Two Maasai men stride through acacia woodlands in their traditional red attire,Masai Mara,Kenya


  • 862-03366317

    A group of Maasai warriors,resplendent with long Ochred braids,chat outside their traditional houses. These squat houses with rounded corners have roofs plastered with a mixture of soil and cow dung,so need regular repairs during rain.


  • 862-03366178

    A Maasai elder.


  • 862-03366105

    A Turkana man with a fine clay hairstyle,so typical of the southern Turkana. The black ostrich feather pompoms denote that the man belongs to the ng'imor (black) moiety of his tribe.


  • 862-03355143

    A Maasai woman wearing a very fine beaded necklace. The predominant white colour of her glass beadwork marks her as a Kisingo Maasai,the largest clan group of her tribe living either side of the Kenya-Tanzania border.


  • 862-03437157

    A young Samburu girl dances during a wedding celebration. By arching her back and thrusting out her chest,she flicks her beaded necklaces up and down while dancing silently to the songs of the warriors. Her body and necklace have been smeared with red ochre,and her eyebrows blackened with charcoal dust mixed with animal fat.


  • 862-03365986

    A young Laikipiak Maasai girl.


  • 862-03355150

    A Maasai warrior drives his family's cattle to the Sanjan River in northern Tanzania
