97 images pour dambulla

  • 862-06543007

    Sri Lanka, North Central Province, Dambulla, Golden Temple and Golden Temple Buddhist Museum, UNESCO World Heritage Site, giant buddha statue


  • 862-06543006

    Sri Lanka, North Central Province, Dambulla, Golden Temple and Golden Temple Buddhist Museum, UNESCO World Heritage Site,


  • 862-06543005

    Sri Lanka, North Central Province, Dambulla, Golden Temple and Golden Temple Buddhist Museum, UNESCO World Heritage Site,


  • 841-03672343

    Statue de Bouddha, 12 mètres de haut, sculptée dans le granit, Aukana, au nord de Dambulla, Sri Lanka, Asie


  • 6119-08739901

    Buddha images in the cave temple, Maharaja Viharaya Cave, the Temple of the King, Golden Temple, Dambulla, Sri Lanka, Asia

    Premium Libres de Droits

  • 400-07088199

    Standing Buddha statues in Dambulla Cave Temple, Sri Lanka

    Aubaine LD & Abonnement

  • 400-07088198

    Valuable tempera paintings with Buddha image on the cave ceiling dating from the 18th century in Dambulla Cave Temple, Sri Lanka

    Aubaine LD & Abonnement