557,885 images for simSearch:862-03352903,k

  • 862-03352903

    The impressive First Pylon of the wonderfully preserved mortuary temple of Ramses III at Medinet Habu on the West Bank,Luxor,Egypt


  • 862-03352904

    The impressive First Pylon of the wonderfully preserved mortuary temple of Ramses III at Medinet Habu on the West Bank,Luxor,Egypt


  • 862-03352910

    A colossal doorway through the second pylon of Ramses III's mortuary temple at Medinet Habu,Luxor,Egypt


  • 862-03352908

    Beautiful carvings and heiroglyphs cover the walls of the mortuary temple of Ramses III at Medinet Habu on the West Bank,Luxor,Egypt


  • 862-03352907

    The colours of the original painting dating from the New Kingdom can still be seen on the columns of Ramses III's mortuary temple at Medinet Habu on the West Bank,Luxor,Egypt


  • 862-03352906

    The colours of the original painting dating from the New Kingdom can still be seen on the columns of Ramses III's mortuary temple at Medinet Habu on the West Bank,Luxor,Egypt


  • 862-03352909

    The colours of the original painting dating from the New Kingdom can still be seen on the columns of Ramses III's mortuary temple at Medinet Habu on the West Bank,Luxor,Egypt


  • 862-03352905

    Beautiful carvings and heiroglyphs cover the walls of the mortuary temple of Ramses III at Medinet Habu on the West Bank,Luxor,Egypt


  • 862-03352795

    Giant statues of Ramses II stand either side of the entrance through the first pylon at Luxor Temple,Egypt


  • 862-03352803

    The Temple of Philae stands on an island in Lake Nasser and is a popular day trip from Aswan,Egypt


  • 862-03352769

    A man walks underneath the giant columns of the Hypostyle Hall in the Ramesseum,Luxor.


  • 862-03352895

    A temple guardian stands in front of the Temple of Khonsu at Karnak Temple,Luxor,Egypt


  • 862-03352797

    A temple guardian welcomes visitors to Luxor Temple. .


  • 862-03437025

    The Avenue of Sphinxes leading up to Luxor Temple,Egypt


  • 862-03352912

    Headless statues of Ramses II line the courtyard at the entrance to the Ramesseum,Luxor,Egypt


  • 862-03352911

    Headless statues of Ramses II line the courtyard at the entrance to the Ramesseum,Luxor,Egypt


  • 862-03352898

    Luxor Temple illuminated at night. The obelisk is one of a pair,the other stands in the Place de la Concorde,Paris.


  • 862-03352897

    Luxor Temple illuminated at night. The obelisk is one of a pair,the other stands in the Place de la Concorde,Paris.


  • 862-03352896

    Luxor Temple illuminated at night. The obelisk is one of a pair,the other stands in the Place de la Concorde,Paris.


  • 862-03352892

    A couple admire the enormous first Pylon of Luxor Temple,Egypt


  • 862-03352891

    A couple admire the enormous first Pylon of Luxor Temple,Egypt


  • 862-03352890

    A guardian stands beneath the giant columns of the processional collonade built by Amenophis III at Luxor Temple,Egypt.


  • 862-03352889

    Dawn over the impressive First Pylon of Luxor Temple,Egypt. The 25m high obelisk is one of a pair,the other stands in Place de la Concorde,Paris.


  • 862-03352801

    The Temple of Philae stands on an island in Lake Nasser and is a popular day trip from Aswan,Egypt


  • 862-03352800

    The Temple of Philae stands on an island in Lake Nasser and is a popular day trip from Aswan,Egypt


  • 862-03352770

    Headless statues of Ramses II line the courtyard at the entrance to the Ramesseum,Luxor.


  • 862-03352796

    The Avenue of Sphinxes leading up to Luxor Temple,Egypt


  • 862-03352783

    Statues line the Cachette Court at Karnek Temple,Luxor,Egypt


  • 862-03352771

    A giant foot is one of the few remains of the colossal 17m statue of Ramses II at the Ramesseum,Luxor. The fallen statue is thought to have been the inspiration for Shelley's famous poem Ozymandias.


  • 862-03352902

    The Temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahri on the West Bank of the Nile opposite Luxor,Egypt


  • 862-03352900

    Larger than life statues of Ramses II illuminated at night in Luxor Temple,Egypt


  • 862-03352899

    A larger than life statue of Ramses II illuminated at night in Luxor Temple,Egypt


  • 862-03352808

    Carvings depict prisoners captured in battle by Ramses II at Abu Simbel. The entire site was moved 200m in the 1960s in order to save it from the rising waters of Lake Nasser.


  • 862-03352798

    A headless statue of Ramses II at Luxor Temple,Egypt


  • 862-03352893

    A colossal statue of Ramses II with his daughter Benta-anta at his feet stands in the Great Forecourt of Karnak Temple,Luxor,Egypt


  • 862-03352807

    The fallen head of Ramses II at Abu Simbel,dislodged during an earthquake in 27BC. The entire site was moved 200m in the 1960s in order to save it from the rising waters of Lake Nasser,Egypt


  • 862-03352806

    A temple guardian stands in front of the facade of Abu Simbel. The entire site was moved 200m in the 1960s in order to save it from the rising waters of Lake Nasser.


  • 862-03352805

    A temple guardian stands in front of the facade of Abu Simbel. The entire site was moved 200m in the 1960s in order to save it from the rising waters of Lake Nasser,Egypt


  • 862-03352787

    A temple guardian admires the Obelisk of Tuthmosis at Karnak Temple,Luxor.


  • 862-03352785

    Statues line the Cachette Court at Karnek Temple,Luxor,Egypt


  • 862-03352913

    Hieroglyphs on the walls of the Ramesseum,Luxor,Egypt


  • 862-03352894

    A temple guardian peers through the monumental doorway of the Temple of Khonsu at Karnak Temple,Luxor,Egypt


  • 862-03352804

    One of the colossal statues of Ramses II lining the facade of his temple at Abu Simbel. The entire site was moved 200m in the 1960s in order to save it from the rising waters of Lake Nasser.


  • 862-03352784

    Panorama over the sprawling ruins of Karnak Temple,Luxor.


  • 862-03352782

    Statues line the Cachette Court at Karnek Temple,Luxor,Egypt


  • 862-03352888

    The pyamids at Giza,Egypt


  • 862-03352887

    A camel driver stands in front of the pyramids at Giza,Egypt. .


  • 862-03352886

    A camel driver stands in front of the pyramids at Giza,Egypt .


  • 862-03352885

    A camel driver stands in front of the pyramids at Giza,Egypt .


  • 862-03352884

    A camel driver stands in front of the pyramids at Giza,Egypt.


  • 862-03352883

    A camel driver stands in front of the pyramids at Giza,Egypt .


  • 862-03352881

    A camel driver stands in front of the pyramids at Giza,Egypt .


  • 862-03352880

    A camel driver stands in front of the pyramids at Giza,Egypt .


  • 862-03352802

    The Kiosk of Trajan built in 167 AD at the more ancient Philae Temple near Aswan.


  • 862-03352772

    The Colossi of Memnon stand at the entrance to the ancient Theban Necropolis on the West Bank of the Nile at Luxor.


  • 600-02128964

    Madinat Habu Temple, West Bank, Egypt

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  • 600-02128963

    Madinat Habu Temple, West Bank, Luxor, Egypt

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  • 862-03352774

    A farmer harvests sugar cane on the banks of the Nile,Egypt


  • 862-03352773

    The Colossi of Memnon stand at the entrance to the ancient Theban Necropolis on the West Bank of the Nile at Luxor.


  • 862-03352749

    A egyptian man in traditional dress stands in front of a colossal gateway in the Temple of Karnak,Luxor.


  • 600-02046677

    Medinet Habu Temple, West Bank, Luxor, Egypt

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  • 600-02046676

    Medinet Habu Temple, West Bank, Luxor, Egypt

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  • 841-08221003

    Bas-reliefs, Medinet Habu (Mortuary Temple of Ramses III), West Bank, Luxor, Thebes, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Egypt, North Africa, Africa


  • 841-08221002

    Bas-reliefs, Medinet Habu (Mortuary Temple of Ramses III), West Bank, Luxor, Thebes, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Egypt, North Africa, Africa


  • 862-03437024

    Feluccas sailing on the Nile at Luxor,Egypt


  • 862-03736640

    Egypt, Qina, Luxor, Al Karnak, Detailed stone carving in the Shrine of Seti II in the Karnak Temple Complex.


  • 400-04385382

    ancient Egyptian writing on stone in Egypt

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  • 400-04385381

    ancient Egyptian writing on stone in Egypt

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  • 400-05902251

    Egyptian hieroglyphic carvings and paintings on wall of the ancient temple at Medinat Habu in Luxor

    Budget Royalty-Free & Subscription

  • 400-05902245

    Egyptian hieroglyphic carvings and paintings on wall of the ancient temple at Medinat Habu in Luxor

    Budget Royalty-Free & Subscription

  • 400-05902232

    Egyptian hieroglyphic carvings on outer wall of the ancient temple at Medinat Habu in Luxor

    Budget Royalty-Free & Subscription

  • 400-05902231

    Egyptian hieroglyphic carvings and paintings on wall of the ancient temple at Medinat Habu in Luxor

    Budget Royalty-Free & Subscription

  • 600-02033812

    Hatshepsut Temple, Deir el-Bahri, Luxor, Egypt

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  • 862-03352901

    A balloon takes flight shortly after dawn on the West bank of the Nile,Egypt


  • 862-03352882

    Camels pass in front of the pyramids at Giza,Egypt


  • 862-03352794

    A felucca captain smiles as he sails down the Nile at Luxor.


  • 862-03352718

    Exquisite detail from the famous temple at Dayr al-Bahri in Western Thebes,which was built by Queen Hatshepsut,queen of Egypt. She attained unprecedented power as a pharaoh and reigned in her own right from 1472BC to 1458BC.


  • 862-03352714

    The impressive ruins of the Temple of Luxor in early morning light. Dedicated to Amon,King of the Gods,this temple was commissioned by King Amenhotep III,The Magnificent king of the late 18th dynasty who reigned from 1390BC to 1353BC.The obelisk standing in the foreground is one of a pair; the other was removed in 1831 and re-erected in the Place de la Concorde in Paris.


  • 841-02714149

    Ballon over Deir El Bahari, Temple of Hatshepsut, West Bank, Thebes, Egypt, North Africa


  • 700-01248806

    Temple of Kom Ombo, Egypt


  • 700-01248802

    Temple of Kom Ombo, Egypt


  • 700-01248801

    Temple of Kom Ombo, Egypt


  • 600-02046674

    Medinet Habu Temple, West Bank, Luxor, Egypt

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  • 600-02046679

    Medinet Habu Temple, West Bank, Luxor, Egypt

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  • 600-02046678

    Medinet Habu Temple, West Bank, Luxor, Egypt

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  • 600-02046675

    Medinet Habu Temple, West Bank, Luxor, Egypt

    Premium Royalty-Free

  • 841-08221004

    Columns in Second Court, Medinet Habu (Mortuary Temple of Ramses III), West Bank, Luxor, Thebes, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Egypt, North Africa, Africa


  • 6119-09085465

    Columns in the portico of the Second Court, Temple of Ramesses III at Medinet Habu, West Bank, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Luxor, Egypt, North Africa, Africa

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  • 6119-09085458

    Temple of Hatshepsut, UNESCO World Heritage Site, West Bank, Luxor, Egypt, North Africa, Africa

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  • 862-03710914

    Egypt, Karnak. A tourist sits at the base of a massive stone column in the Great Hypostyle Hall.
