2,176 images for arugula

  • 600-08060050

    Overhead View of Pizza on Wooden Cutting Board with Bowl of Chili Sauce, Garlic Cloves, Dish with Salt, and Napkin

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  • 600-08060051

    Pizza with Ham, Arugula and Parmisan Cheese on Wooden Cutting Board on Napkin

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  • 659-06903243

    Rocket and a knife on a wet wooden board

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  • 659-07069312

    Rocket in a dish

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  • 825-07078263

    Rocket lettuce


  • 659-06903866

    Flatbread with chicken, cherry tomatoes and rocket

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  • 659-06903281

    Rocket on a wooden surface

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  • 600-05803396

    Close-up of Arugula Salad on Plate

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  • 659-06903244

    Rocket on a stone slab

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  • 659-07028708

    Green beans with rocket and sliced almonds

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  • 659-06372342

    Fried crab on a bed of rocket salad

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  • 659-07739378

    Fresh rocket in a saucepan

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  • 659-07069313

    Rocket, partly chopped, on a wooden surface

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  • 659-07959370

    Courgette cakes with a rocket salad

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  • 659-06154345

    Rocket being washed

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  • 659-06373717

    Rocket on a white surface

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  • 659-06151967

    Fresh rocket

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  • 825-06316851

    Tomato,mozzarella and green sauce toasted sandwich


  • 659-06151750

    Rocket in a bowl with salad dressing

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  • 659-07598564

    Pine Nuts and Arugula

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  • 825-07076943

    Italian-style burger


  • 659-06902443

    Beef tartar with tomatoes, rocket and basil

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  • 825-05985192

    Rocket lettuce leaves


  • 659-06903749

    Mixed lettuce with edible flowers and chanterelle mushrooms

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  • 659-06495069

    Bread salad with rocket and dried tomatoes

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  • 659-06154567

    Roasted red peppers and rocket

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  • 659-07599205

    Fresh fig with rocket and parmesan

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  • 659-07739447

    Salmon and avocado salad with oranges and rocket for Easter

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  • 659-07959235

    Vegetable pizza with tomatoes, aubergines and rocket

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  • 659-06151749

    A bunch of fresh rocket

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  • 659-06901348

    Pasta with cherry tomatoes, green asparagus and rocket

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  • 659-06151341

    Rocket in a flower pot

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  • 659-06187065

    Rocket with roots

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  • 659-06373099

    Bowl of Salad with Arugula and Red Cabbage

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  • 659-06154681

    Wild rice salad with bacon and rocket

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  • 659-07738836

    Rocket salad with tomatoes, feta and kalamata olives

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  • 659-06494657

    Beetroot with potatoes, mixed leaf salad and sheep's cheese

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  • 825-06816975

    Chicken and Fromage frais quiche


  • 659-06186626

    Mixed leaf salad with apple, blue cheese and walnuts

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  • 652-05807535

    Rocket lettuce,cheese and mushroom salad

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  • 659-07739271

    A slice of pizza with tomatoes, cheese and rocket

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  • 659-03536648

    Mixed salad leaves with beef, avocado and pine nuts

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  • 659-08147622

    Pizza Margherita with rocket and Parmesan cheese on a piece of paper with a knife

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  • 659-08147624

    Pizza Margherita with rocket and Parmesan

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  • 825-06815683

    Assorted lettuce leaves


  • 825-05988820

    Mixed pepper salad


  • 659-03534947

    Several rocket leaves

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  • 659-06154932

    Rocket salad with olives and parmesan

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  • 659-03536282

    Spaghetti with rocket, cherry tomatoes and prawns

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  • 659-01842345

    An Arugula Leaf

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  • 659-06155223

    Stockfish puree with cucumber and rocket

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  • 659-07610222

    A rocket salad with prawns and pink grapefruit

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  • 652-03802565

    Young green shoots

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  • 652-05807179

    Cold cuts and melon salad

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  • 659-01843503

    Rocket leaves

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  • 695-03390157

    Radishes and arugula lined up below drawing of gardening fork

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  • 652-05808250

    Shrimp and citrus fruit salad

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  • 659-06372914

    Arugula Salad with Salmon and Mango on a White Plate

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  • 652-03634528

    Bacon, red pepper and rocket salad

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  • 632-03754247

    Mesclun and assorted fresh greens

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  • 825-06816715

    Omelette-pizza with tomatoes


  • 652-03800954

    Fillet of baby wild boar in sweet and sour sauce and pumpkin Flan

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  • 825-06315876

    Chicken breast,tomato,cheese and olive pizza


  • 659-08148159

    A mixed salad with fried red snapper and herbs

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  • 824-02626166

    Arugula Salad with Tomatoes, Cucumber and Chili Oil Dressing


  • 659-06184727

    Lukewarm smoked salmon salad with rocket and red pepper sauce

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  • 659-01842580


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  • 659-07609927

    sirloin steak with red onions, tomatoes and rocket leaves

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  • 600-07991588

    Beef with Arugula and Asparagus on Barley at Wedding Reception

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  • 825-02306681



  • 659-03532727

    Salmon caviare and rocket open sandwich

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  • 659-01843601

    Fresh rocket

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  • 600-08002079

    Skillet of Chicken, Arugula, Leeks, and Mushrooms with onions on cutting board, studio shot on white background

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  • 659-06154403

    Salmon carpaccio with rocket, onions and capers

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  • 600-07991590

    Beef with Arugula and Asparagus on Barley at Wedding Reception

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  • 659-07609929

    a view on the interior of the restaurant, a table with wine, a dish of sirloin steak with red onions, tomatoes and rocket leaves

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  • 659-01865672

    Hands holding fresh rocket leaves

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  • 659-08419679

    Grilled tilapia with a rocket salad and tomatoes

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  • 659-08147623

    Pizza Margherita with rocket and Parmesan

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  • 695-05773558

    Arugula leaves, close-up

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  • 824-07586093

    Sprouting bean salad


  • 659-07959236

    Vegetable pizza with tomatoes, aubergines and rocket, sliced

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  • 659-03527020

    Steak salad (detail)

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  • 659-07609816

    Grilled rolled slices of courgette filled with rocket, feta and sundried tomatoes

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  • 659-08147466

    Ciabatta with pulled pork

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  • 659-07028712

    Grilled beef steak with a rocket salad

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  • 659-07738834

    Rocket salad with strawberries, blue cheese and balsamic vinegar

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  • 659-09125935

    Hands holding a small white ball with mixed salad

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  • 659-08148157

    An Italian appetiser platter featuring Parma ham, Vitello tonnato, Carpaccio, salami, rocket and Parmesan cheese

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  • 659-06903851

    A hamburger with bacon, cheese and lettuce

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