Detail of one of the pilasters flanking the north western apse in the Severan Basilica in the ancient Roman city of Leptis Magna. The figures are of the Dionysian procession (Satyrs and Maenads) surrounded by vine scrolls. Modelled on the Basilica Ulpia in the Trajan Forum in Rome,the Emperor Septimus Severan began building the Basilica which was completed by his son,Caracalla,in AD216.

Detail of one of the pilasters flanking the north western apse in the Severan Basilica in the ancient Roman city of Leptis Magna. The figures are of the Dionysian procession (Satyrs and Maenads) surrounded by vine scrolls. Modelled on the Basilica Ulpia in the Trajan Forum in Rome,the Emperor Septimus Severan began building the Basilica which was completed by his son,Caracalla,in AD216.
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