Detail of carved stone figures on the Severan Arch in the ancient Roman city of Leptis Magna. A large triumphal arch standing at the junction of the city's two main roads,the Severan Arch was built from limestone faced with marble. One of the great works of Roman sculpture,the Severan Arch glorifies Emperor Septimus Severus who ruled from AD193-211.

Detail of carved stone figures on the Severan Arch in the ancient Roman city of Leptis Magna. A large triumphal arch standing at the junction of the city's two main roads,the Severan Arch was built from limestone faced with marble. One of the great works of Roman sculpture,the Severan Arch glorifies Emperor Septimus Severus who ruled from AD193-211.

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  • Resolução Web


    12.5×19.4cm 28ppcm

  • Baixa resolução


    24.0×37.3cm 28ppcm

  • Média resolução


    12.7×19.8cm 118ppcm

  • Alta resolução


    35.8×55.5cm 118ppcm

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