These photos are taken indoors under florescent light with no flash. Buyers please note the shots in ISO 800 had more noise removed and they might have a ?plastic? look for some. All this shots with the same model are natural, done during exercises. The whole series of fitness, with the same model can be found on my portfolio on the same website. All shots in ISO 200-800, f 2.8-4.5, 50-200 mm

These photos are taken indoors under florescent light with no flash.   Buyers please note the shots in ISO 800 had more noise removed and they might have a ?plastic? look for some. All this shots with the same model are natural, done during exercises. The whole series of fitness, with the same model can be found on my portfolio on the same website.  All shots in ISO 200-800, f 2.8-4.5, 50-200 mm
Royalty-Free Super Valor e Assinatura
Artista: poco_bw
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  • Resolução Web


    19.4×12.9cm 28ppcm



  • Baixa resolução


    45.9×30.6cm 28ppcm



  • Média resolução


    19.1×12.7cm 118ppcm



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