The rock hewn church of Abune Yemata in the Gheralta Mountains near Guh is renowned for its truly remarkable murals. Abune Yemata church is reached only by a hazardous ascent with tiny footholds and irregular hand grips.

The rock hewn church of Abune Yemata in the Gheralta Mountains near Guh is renowned for its truly remarkable murals. Abune Yemata church is reached only by a hazardous ascent with tiny footholds and irregular hand grips.

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  • Resolución de Internet


    19.4×18.7cm 28ppcm

  • Baja resolución


    30.5×29.4cm 28ppcm

  • Mediana resolución


    16.2×15.6cm 118ppcm

  • Alta resolución


    36.1×34.8cm 118ppcm

* Precio final basado en el uso, no en el tamaño del archivo.

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