Pedn vounder beach, one of Cornwall's best beaches with stunning cliffs of Treryn Dinas, crystal clear water and a beautiful sandy beach. On a spring low tide one can walk to Pedn Vounder from neighbouring Porthcurno beach but be warned, as the tide comes in you will not only find yourself cut off but facing a climb up the steep cliff "path" The headland to the east of the beach is the l

Pedn vounder beach, one of Cornwall's best beaches with stunning cliffs of Treryn Dinas, crystal clear water and a beautiful sandy beach.      On a spring low tide one can walk to Pedn Vounder from neighbouring Porthcurno beach but be warned, as the tide comes in you will not only find yourself cut off but facing a climb up the steep cliff "path"      The headland to the east of the beach is the l
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