A proud Samburu mother of two recently circumcised boys wears briefly their bird skin headdresses round her neck after they discard them during the lmuget loolbaa ceremony a month after their circumcision. She in turn will throw them away the same evening and ensure the familys cattle trample them under foot so that they will never be used or seen in public again.

A proud Samburu mother of two recently circumcised boys wears briefly their bird skin headdresses round her neck after they discard them during the lmuget loolbaa ceremony a month after their circumcision. She in turn will throw them away the same evening and ensure the familys cattle trample them under foot so that they will never be used or seen in public again.

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  • Resolução Web


    17.6×19.4cm 28ppcm

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    28.5×31.5cm 28ppcm

  • Média resolução


    15.1×16.7cm 118ppcm

  • Alta resolução


    33.7×37.2cm 118ppcm

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