Central America, Belize, Orange Walk District, Lamanai, the Temple of the Masks (structure N9-56) showing an Olmec-inspired early classic Mayan mask with crocodile headdress situated on the facade. The exposed mask, and its concealed counterpart at the left side of the stair, is unique in the Maya area being cut from blocks of limestone rather than sculpted from plaster. This temple is from the early Classic period

Central America, Belize, Orange Walk District, Lamanai, the Temple of the Masks (structure N9-56) showing  an Olmec-inspired early classic Mayan mask with crocodile headdress situated on the facade. The exposed mask, and its concealed counterpart at the left side of the stair, is unique in the Maya area being cut from blocks of limestone rather than sculpted from plaster. This temple is from the early Classic period
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