The only chameleon endemic to the rainforest of Montagne D Ambre is the spectacular Calumma oshaughnessyi ambreensis.Madagascar is synonymous with these magnificent old world reptiles.Two thirds of all known species are native to the island, the fourth largest in the world.

The only chameleon endemic to the rainforest of Montagne D Ambre  is the spectacular Calumma oshaughnessyi ambreensis.Madagascar is synonymous with these magnificent old world reptiles.Two thirds of all known species are native to the island, the fourth largest in the world.

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    19.4×14.6cm 28ppcm

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    34.6×25.9cm 28ppcm

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    18.3×13.8cm 118ppcm

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    46.1×34.6cm 118ppcm

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