England,Dorset,Cerne Abbas. The Cerne Abbas Giant or the 'Rude Man' is the largest hillfigure in Britain,he is one of two representations of the human form,the other being the Long Man of Wilmington in East Sussex. The giant,carved in solid lines from the chalk bedrock,measures in at 180 feet high,and carries a huge knobbled club,which measures 120 feet in length.

England,Dorset,Cerne Abbas. The Cerne Abbas Giant or the 'Rude Man' is the largest hillfigure in Britain,he is one of two representations of the human form,the other being the Long Man of Wilmington in East Sussex. The giant,carved in solid lines from the chalk bedrock,measures in at 180 feet high,and carries a huge knobbled club,which measures 120 feet in length.
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