Indonesia,Sulawesi. Pygmy Tarsiers,(Tarsius pumilus) on the islands of Sulawesi. This species lives in the mossy,upper montane rainforests of central Sulawesi. It has a special adaptation in its neck vertebrae to help it turn its head 180 degrees. It needs to do this because its eyes can not move.

Indonesia,Sulawesi. Pygmy Tarsiers,(Tarsius pumilus) on the islands of Sulawesi. This species lives in the mossy,upper montane rainforests of central Sulawesi. It has a special adaptation in its neck vertebrae to help it turn its head 180 degrees. It needs to do this because its eyes can not move.

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    12.7×19.4cm 28ppcm

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    24.2×37.0cm 28ppcm

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    12.8×19.6cm 118ppcm

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    29.9×45.7cm 118ppcm

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