A statue of Santo Domingo over the portal of the cathedral of Santo Domingo,an important stop for pilgrims following the St James's Way. The cathedral is a magnificent example of protgothic architcture with a more recent Baroque tower

A statue of Santo Domingo over the portal of the cathedral of Santo Domingo,an important stop for pilgrims following the St James's Way. The cathedral is a magnificent example of protgothic architcture with a more recent Baroque tower

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  • Resolución de Internet


    12.7×19.4cm 28ppcm

  • Baja resolución


    24.2×37.0cm 28ppcm

  • Mediana resolución


    12.9×19.6cm 118ppcm

  • Alta resolución


    37.6×57.4cm 118ppcm

* Precio final basado en el uso, no en el tamaño del archivo.

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