El Molo Bay,situated on the eastern side of Lake Turkana,is an inhospitable place where strong winds blow incessantly. The bay is named after the El Molo - a small tribe of fishermen and stock owners whose village can be seen in the middle distance across the bay. The mountain in the background is Mount Nyiru.

El Molo Bay,situated on the eastern side of Lake Turkana,is an inhospitable place where strong winds blow incessantly. The bay is named after the El Molo - a small tribe of fishermen and stock owners whose village can be seen in the middle distance across the bay. The mountain in the background is Mount Nyiru.

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    19.4×12.0cm 28ppcm

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    38.1×23.5cm 28ppcm

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    20.2×12.5cm 118ppcm

  • Alta resolución


    57.2×35.3cm 118ppcm

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