A young mother and child of the Arsi-Oromo people west of Aje. Both have unusual hairstyles. The braids falling from the crown of the mother's head have been attractively woven with wool to make a colourful fringe.

A young mother and child of the Arsi-Oromo people west of Aje. Both have unusual hairstyles. The braids falling from the crown of the mother's head have been attractively woven with wool to make a colourful fringe.

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  • Resolución de Internet


    15.4×19.4cm 28ppcm

  • Baja resolución


    26.6×33.6cm 28ppcm

  • Mediana resolución


    14.1×17.8cm 118ppcm

  • Alta resolución


    39.9×50.4cm 118ppcm

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