A little distance offshore from the coast of Djibouti, the northern extent of Africas Great Rift Valley abuts a triple junction where the oceanic rifts of the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden converge.This photograph shows an obvious crack in a huge lava ridge.Other than Iceland, Djibouti is the only country where scientists can observe the sea floor spreading on dry land as two plates move apart.

A little distance offshore from the coast of Djibouti, the northern extent of Africas Great Rift Valley abuts a triple junction where the oceanic rifts of the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden converge.This photograph shows an obvious crack in a huge lava ridge.Other than Iceland, Djibouti is the only country where scientists can observe the sea floor spreading on dry land as two plates move apart.

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    27.7×32.3cm 28ppcm

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    14.7×17.1cm 118ppcm

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    32.9×38.2cm 118ppcm

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