An attractive girl from the Kediyo tribe carries a large,beautifully made umbrella. Its wooden frame is covered with the dried leaves of ensete,the false banana plant (seen growing in the background). Widely cultivated in southern Ethiopia,ensete roots and stems,which are rich in carbohydrates,are either cooked and eaten as a porridge or made into bread.

An attractive girl from the Kediyo tribe carries a large,beautifully made umbrella. Its wooden frame is covered with the dried leaves of ensete,the false banana plant (seen growing in the background). Widely cultivated in southern Ethiopia,ensete roots and stems,which are rich in carbohydrates,are either cooked and eaten as a porridge or made into bread.

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  • Resolución de Internet


    18.8×19.4cm 28ppcm

  • Baja resolución


    29.4×30.5cm 28ppcm

  • Mediana resolución


    15.6×16.2cm 118ppcm

  • Alta resolución


    44.1×45.6cm 118ppcm

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